Our nutri­tion needs change as we get old­er. FAMILIAR is an online work­shop, ded­i­cat­ed to the incred­i­ble vari­ety of foods which sup­port a healthy aging plan. Learn prac­ti­cal strate­gies for eat­ing a more nutri­tion­al­ly-dense diet, while sim­pli­fy­ing your meal plan­ning process.


Work­shop DetailsCon­tact

NEXT sched­uled SESSIONS START Feb­ru­ary 2023

pri­vate group ses­sions avail­able anytime

What You’ll Learn

Dis­cov­er how your body actu­al­ly works – and the rain­bow of foods and nutri­ents which help your body to func­tion most opti­mal­ly.  This class focus­es on the unique needs of old­er adults – and how Food as Med­i­cine prin­ci­ples can impact the aging expe­ri­ence.  We spot­light com­mon health con­di­tions and con­cerns each week – along with a food plan which sup­ports well-being.  Come Thrive with FAMILIAR foods – and feel more con­fi­dent about your eat­ing choices.

improve your Digestion & diversify Your Gut Microbiome

Strengthen Your Body: 

Mus­cles & Bones

bolster your brain & regulate your blood sugar

tamp down inflammation & heal from illness

Detoxify: support your liver, gallbladder & kidneys

Workshop Details

We real­ize that our bod­ies and our food pref­er­ences are high­ly personal. 

FAMILIAR helps par­tic­i­pants to find the foods which fit their lifestyle and palate. Home-Made or Store-Bought: All cook­ing skills welcome.


  • FAMILIAR is a 2‑Hour Class, Meets Week­ly for 6 Weeks
  • Con­duct­ed Live over Zoom, with Time Reserved for Q & A
  • Small Group For­mat to Encour­age Dis­cus­sion & Participation
  • Take-Home Work­book with Lec­ture Notes, Self-Assess­ments & Goal-Setting
  • Week­ly Recipes, Nutri­tion­al Resources & Plan­ning Tools
  • Find Sup­port with Fel­low Food Enthu­si­asts & Health-Infor­ma­tion Seekers


I am a Food as Med­i­cine advo­cate and a cham­pi­on for Old­er Adults.

I spent 15 years in con­sumer adver­tis­ing, work­ing for foun­da­tion­al food
pub­lish­ers like Bon Appetit, Martha Stew­art and Rachael Ray, and online
health brands like Web­MD and Med­scape. From this van­tage point, I
wit­nessed the increas­ing dys­func­tion between our mod­ern food indus­try
and med­ical sys­tems — and left the cor­po­rate world to receive my mas­ter’s degree in nutri­tion sci­ence from the Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Nat­ur­al Medicine.

We know that good nutri­tion is essen­tial to the pre­ven­tion and treat­ment of ill­ness – but our cur­rent health­care sys­tem is poor­ly struc­tured to pro­vide nutri­tion­al guid­ance. I designed the FAMILIAR pro­gram to teach nutri­tion­al fun­da­men­tals and a new way of meal plan­ning – because I want to help Old­er Adults find a per­son­al­ized set of lifestyle tools for aging well.


Food As Medicine, for Inde­pen­dence & Longevi­ty In Aging & Retire­ment

“In all the classes I’ve taken since the pandemic started, this is by far the BEST! As a retired teacher, I am aware of all the educational nuances that make up a great class. Erin hits the mark on all of them. ”


“I found this class is quite worthwhile. Erin’s energy & positivity, her knowledge, the great presentation visuals.…teaching adults, especially us older ones, is an art she possesses.”


“I am so grateful to feel more in control of my body. I now feel like I am steering my health in a positive direction.”


“Thank you for this marvelous class on food health! I have learned so much and plan to incorporate many of these ideas into my daily diet. I so appreciate your gift to us!”


“I loved this class. The presentations were clear, interesting and I learned a lot.”


Group Rates & Custom Programming Available

Con­tact For Questions


Ques­tions about the mate­r­i­al? Curi­ous about our full cat­a­log of Healthy Liv­ing pro­grams and Guest Lec­tures? Enter your infor­ma­tion below or email me direct­ly at erin@thrivewithfamiliarfoods.com


How does this work?

FAMILIAR runs for six con­sec­u­tive weeks. Par­tic­i­pants have the option of attend­ing either the Tues­day morn­ing or Thurs­day after­noon each week. Upon reg­is­tra­tion, you’ll receive a Zoom link for the FAMILIAR class­room and a detailed syl­labus.  One week pri­or to series start, you’ll receive a reminder email and access to our 50-page print­able work­book & class guide.

I’ll see you here!

Tues­day Morn­ings, from 10 – 12 PM PST:  Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28, Mar 7, Mar 14 

Thurs­day After­noons, from 2 – 4 PM PST: Feb 9, Feb 16, Feb 23, Mar 2,  Mar 9, Mar 16